JA Welcomes Crystal Reutter, Development Manager
Author: Junior Achievement of Southwestern Indiana
Corporate Responsibility
Tuesday, 03 May 2022

Image caption: Crystal Reutter, Development Manager
First, allow me to introduce myself since this is our first official written communication! My name is Crystal Reutter and I’m the new Development Manager at Junior Achievement of Southwestern Indiana.
So why did I join JA? When considering this position, I thought back to the years of experience I’ve acquired in sales and customer service, and also the relationships I built along the way. I decided this is my opportunity to channel those skills and experiences I’ve acquired, to give kids hope.
I successfully worked with local businesses to grow and change with the impact of Covid-19. But, never really felt fulfilled with the chosen career path. It wasn’t until I was introduced to JA, that I knew my destiny. I was being groomed for this. I came from humble beginnings, and because of programs similar to JA I was given hope as a middle schooler in this community. I grew up here, and while kids were different than they are now, and demographics are different somehow things remain the same. They are our future and need the opportunities for growth and learning that JA can expose them to!
I joined Junior Achievement of Southwestern Indiana because I know how badly kids need our programs. I know what it’s like to come from a poor family and take advantage of all of the free programs out there. Guess that is why I won the award in the 8th grade for being in the most extracurricular activities. I was given hope outside of the home. So many of our kids will need to be prepared to climb to where they want to be, all on their own. And that’s where JA comes in.
Perhaps you’re not very familiar with what we do. On the reverse are just a few ways we are empowering students and connecting companies with their future workforce.
JA JobSpark – in person
After completing in-classroom curriculum, students in grades 8-12 virtually visit 8 career clusters and interact with local companies who specialize in those industries. More than 7,500 students just participated in JA JobSpark in November 2021, and we are already planning the 2022 experience in the fall, which will be the return to our in-person “Amusement Park for Jobs”!
JA Innovation Challenge
In Spring 2023, high school teams will compete presenting the business plans they created with the help of the JA Be Entrepreneurial® curriculum.
JA Pathways Approach
JA programs offer a continuum of progressive learning experiences ultimately leading students to gain the competencies needed to be financially capable, work & career ready, and/or entrepreneurially minded.
JA In-Classroom Programs
JA Spring 2022 programs are nearly complete, offered through a variety of options to meet the needs of classrooms and educators. Summer and Fall 2022 programs are being planned as you read this!
I know how impactful the JA experience is for children. Our focus on the hope and opportunity that’s given to so many is truly a forward-thinking mind set but with so much uncertainty in the world, I can promise you this, our children need us.
Our vision is that students in this region can grow up to lead choice-filled lives, no matter what their childhood is like. Because of you, we are able to continue #InspiringTomorrows for more than 20,000 students in our 15-county Indiana and Illinois region. Thank you for all that you do to support JA. I look forward to connecting with each one of you!
Crystal Reutter
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