JA Staff Spotlight: Wendy Hunter
Author: Junior Achievement of Southwestern Indiana
Corporate Responsibility
Monday, 15 Aug 2022

Image caption: Wendy Hunter, JA Regional Impact Manager
JA: What is your name and your position with JA?
WH: My name is Wendy Hunter and I am Junior Achievement of Southwestern Indiana's Regional Impact Manager.
JA: How long have you been serving Junior Achievement of Southwestern Indiana?
WH: 2 1/2 years.
JA: What is your favorite part of your role with JA?
WH: I love being able to connect volunteers to classrooms. There was such a gap due to COVID, but when we see that gap finally bridged it is incredibly rewarding!
JA: What is your "WHY"?
WH: Preparing for your future has to include financial awareness, and no one prepares young people better than Junior Achievement. I remember my own kids coming home from school at several different grade levels with JA materials and I was so pleased, because I always told them how important I thought it was that everyone have at least a basic understanding of how finances effects life, like filling out a check, knowing that taxes will come out of your paycheck, and some principles of saving. Junior Achievement provides that, and so much more. If my involvement with JA can help create a sense of financial confidence in even one student, then WHY I do what a do will have been a success!
JA: What has been one of your favorite JA moments?
WH: Wow, that’s a tough one. I have a favorite moment from different areas of JA – a favorite JA Innovation Challenge moment, a JA ERBHOF moment, even a favorite JA FEI moment. But, if I have to pick one related to my current role, I would say the result of JA In a Day at Delaware Elementary last spring. The volunteers’ stories, when they shared about how touched they were by teaching JA to the Delaware students, and hearing them say they got as much out of it as the students, was priceless!
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